The Living Kidney Donor: New OPTN Policy Requirements for Informed Consent
The Living Kidney Donor: New OPTN Policy Requirements for Informed Consent
Lee Bolton   [ view bio ]
Diana Marsh   [ view bio ]
Doug Penrod   [ view bio ]
Kathy Schwab   [ view bio ]
PDFUNOS 05.29.13 Slides.pdf
MP4The Living Kidney Donor: New OPTN Policy Requirements for Informed Consent
In 2007, UNOS developed four protocols for the evaluation of living kidney donors which included the informed consent process. In 2012, these protocols were moved from UNOS Bylaws into OPTN Policy 12.0.  Subsequent changes were incorporated and the new policy language  went into effect on February 1, 2013.  This webinar is designed to assist living kidney donor recovery hospitals understand the recent changes to the informed consent policy, provide guidance on how compliance with this policy will be monitored, and provide information on the importance of informed consent when evaluating potential living kidney donors.  All webinar attendees will be offered 1.0 CEPTC credit for participation.

The goal of this webinar is to: 
  • Review the new OPTN policy requirements for living kidney donor informed consent 
  • Discuss how UNOS will monitor the compliance of living kidney donor programs 
Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
May 29, 2013
Seminar Objectives
  • Describe new living kidney donor policy requirements for the informed consent process
  • Recognize the importance of the new living kidney donor documentation requirements
  • Give examples of how the new policy requirements can benefit potential living kidney donors
  • Identify professional resources to assist with compliance